Thursday, January 8, 2015

Quail Ale

I haven’t done this one in a few years. It’s simple, but good. I don’t know how I came by the name. Maybe I was thinking of California Quail because it has a base of West Coast hops, or maybe I just like alliteration.

I’ve made a few tweaks to this one, but it should be quite similar to the original product. I should brew it again soon; I remember getting a few compliments for it.

Quail Ale (2015)

Style: Amber Ale

2 ½ gallons in brew kettle, heated to 155 F to steep specialty grains.
1 gallon in separate pot, heated to 155 F for sparging specialty grains.

1 lb. 80 L American Crystal Malt

6 lbs. extra light DME

1 oz. Columbus pellets (bittering @ 60 min.)
1 oz. Willamette pellets (flavor @ 15 min.)
1 oz. Willamette pellets (aroma @ 5 min.)
1 oz. Amarillo pellets (dry hop)

Wyeast 1084 Irish Ale

Other Ingredients:
1 Whirlfloc tab or 1 tsp. or Irish moss (added 15 minutes before flameout).
Water to add to the wort to achieve 5 ½ gallons of total volume in the primary fermenter.
¾ cup of corn sugar or 1 ¼ cups of ex light DME boiled in 2 cups of water for five minutes to prime beer before bottling.

OG should be about 1.052, FG should be about 1.012, and ABV should be about 5.3%.

I’m hoping this one turns out a little like Three Floyds Brian Boru, with a bready base and a pineappley hop profile. The Amarillo dry hop is a tweak to the original recipe in an attempt to replicate some qualities of that great dead beer. Why did they stop making it! It was my favorite one!

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