Thursday, August 15, 2013

Ballast Point Big Eye IPA - Beer Review

Ballast Point seems to be the current star of the IPA scene; after tasting a couple of their beers I understand why. Big Eye was a really nice find. It is a little less citrusy than Sculpin (Ballast Point's other IPA), but it has a depth of interesting flavors of its own.

Well-carbonated. Thick lacing of foam around the rim of the goblet. Light amber, approximately 9 on the SRM scale. Mix of large and small bubbles. Retains a 1/4" of dense head.
Caramel, raisins, oranges, faint pine resin, lemon scones, bergamot.
Body and Texture:
Bready, rich mouthfeel. Sudsy and biscuity. Dry and bitter finish.
Starts off with a caramel corn/bready taste, but bitter hop resins quickly take over. Lemon zest/juniper tang erases malt sweetness from the palate.
Very pleasant; can stand on its own. Not malt heavy or syrupy; not too astringent or biting.
I would pair Big Eye with tacos al pastor topped with salsa verde. The caramelly breadiness of the beer will go well with the pork, and the strong hop profile will help neutralize the bite of the salsa.

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